
The animal shelter is not home.

Across the country, every year, tens of thousands of animals are abandoned, condemned to a life of suffering, not knowing when their next meal will come or if they will find a dry spot to sleep.

Through adoption you don't save just one innocent soul, you also help rescue groups make space for other animals in need. 

Shelter dogs and cats are some of the most loyal companions, truly appreciating the safety offered by a family, a kind pet, a place to call their own.

Go to our adoption page and find your best friend.



Every day we strive to give each one of our residents one-on-one time, but unfortunately that only means a few minutes.

For some dogs and cats, the shelter is a stressful environment which can even cause personality changes. Being in a foster helps them learn what home truly means, how it feels to have a family and smooths the adoption process.

If you want to learn more about fostering or even become a foster parent for one of our residents, please contact us at: with the subject line Fostering and we will come back to you as soon as possible.


Remote adoption

You can remotely help one of our dogs or cats through a monthly contribution which will go towards their care. 

The minimum amount is 10 euros/month, and the money will be used to cover their food and vet expenses (deworming, vaccines, etc). 

Remote adoption involves a written engagement contract for a pre-determined time period or until the dog or cat goes to its forever home. 

If you want to learn more about remote adoption, please contact us at: with the subject line Remote adoption and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Athos, Porthos & Constance